Alaska FFA Association
Looking to start your own FFA Chapter?
Agricultural Education
Program Development
Who can start FFA & Agricultural Education Programs?
FFA is an intracurricular organization, not a club. Classroom/Laboratory instruction is crucial to the development of a successful agriculture program and FFA chapter. Agriculture and the food, fiber, and natural resource systems hold some of the most diverse opportunities in varying industries across the world.
Agricultural Education is a cooperative effort between educational institutions, government agencies, and food, fiber, and natural resource-related businesses to ensure strong agriculture and natural resources for the state of Alaska and the entire nation.
Steps to Starting
1 . Secure Support within School
FFA can exist within public, private, charter, and homeschool systems! Determine which teacher (or teachers) of agriculture, natural resources, or science can offer coursework related to agriculture in your school. Classes in mechanics, welding, plant, animal, and food science can all have ties to FFA!
Talk to school administrators to get their approval.
Have an informational meeting and gather interested students to elect a chapter officer team.
2 . Contact State FFA Staff
Reach out to (907)795-9242 or taylor.nelson@alaska.gov to let them know about your interest and for help with developing your chapter.
3 . Develop a Constitution
As a chapter, decide on your chapter constitution. This is the guiding document for all of your chapter's decisions and guidelines.
4 . Program of Activities
What activities will your chapter do?
Determine activities that Grow Leaders, Build Communities, and Strengthen Agriculture at the local level.
5 . Fill out Information Form & Charter Application
Fill out the Application for Charter and send all related documents to taylor.nelson@alaska.gov
1801 S Margaret St
Suite 12
Palmer, AK 99645